----- Original Message -----
From: "William E. Kempf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Doing so, the boost.thread will be build with the /MTd flag (for debug).
> > This is exactly
> > what you said that it won't be a good idea, right? Or am I missing
> > something here?
> Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear (and it looks like it may have been
> less clear, because I misunderstood your question).  What's not a good
> idea is mixing the RTLs.  If you want to use /MT(d) then you should
> compile Boost.Threads with /MT(d) as well.

Thanks a lot for the answer! This is what I wanted to know: If I can build
the boost.thread dll
and the app with the /MT flag instead of /MD flag.
Regarding the mixing of the RTLs the last versions of VC++ gives you a link
warning if you try
to do that ...

Thanks again,

> --
> William E. Kempf
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