vc said:
>> As for the warnings themselves... I'm still doing more research just
>> to be 100% sure, but everything I've found thus far indicates you can
>> ignore these warnings as long as you link against the same RTL in both
>> the Boost.Threads DLL and the application.  After I verify this, I'll
>> remove the warnings through the use of pragmas.
> So, is it ok if for the boost.thread dll and for the app I will use the
> /MT flag (multi-threaded)
> instead of /MD (multi-threaded dll) that you are using when building
> with bjam?

According to what I'm reading about these warnings, no, that wouldn't be a
good idea.  However, you can build against the static RTL easy enough.  In
the $BOOST_ROOT/libs/thread/build directory issue the following bjam

bjam -sBUILD="<runtime-link>static"

I used to build against both RTLs, but that just makes testing more
difficult, while it's easy enough for users to specify the build variants
they prefer using the above.

William E. Kempf

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