"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Johan Nilsson wrote:
> >
> > Yes, but why not have both on all platforms?
> >
> It would make using it cross-platform easier, but you aren't actually
> getting microsecond information under windows, so if your program relies
> on that detail, it won't work correctly under windows anyway, so you
> must make your program work with millisecond times and you could then
> just use your millisec_clock on both platforms.
> Basically, I both agree and disagree.  I agree from the point of view of
> using the library cross-platform, but disagree on the principle that
> your using something that promises microsecond detail, but in fact is
> only returning millisecond.  (in my example anyway, if you could make
> the microsecond stuff work from QPC then that would be fine)

Perhaps, but one should consider that GetSystemTime promises 1ms resolution
and delivers 10-15ms (and, IIRC,  that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime promises
250ns resolution).

// Johan

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