--- Bohdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Because :
>         1. traits causes more complicated and more
>            error prone interface. In this case
> errors can
>            be caused by two incompatible thread
>            mechanicms used  in one application.
>            BTW, have you any idea how two diffrent
>            thread models will collaborate in one
>             application ? And why you may want this
> mess ?

They won't collaborate, you'll get a compile-time
error, if you try. I don't think anybody requested a

>         2. A lot of implementation code will be
> placed in headers,
>             which damages compile perfomance VERY
>             MUCH ...  I hope you have already agreed
>             to this point. Do you ?

Have you looked at my solution? It doesn't have
compile performance problems for users.

>         3. I haven't seen compiled application,
>             which is working with TWO OSes
>             or threading models  at the same time.
>             Do you ?
>             Single/multi treaded is property
>             of whole application, but not of it's
> part.
>             Current boost::thread design is just
>             reflection for this statement.

Win32 already has two threading models that can be
used in one app at the same time. They have put them
there for a reason. I have seen applications that are
using the both threading models.

Sorry but it doesn't seem that you are making any
effort at all to try to understand what I am
proposing.  Have you seen my proposal?  Does it have
any technical/peformance problems?


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