Brock Peabody wrote:


> No and no.  It actually only works on MSVC 6 because that is what we
> use
> at work - until next week.  I can't wait!  I took the library from
> work
> code and put it out there just so people could toy with the syntax a
> little.

In theory, would it be possible to easily port it to another compiler?
I have Visual Studio 7 but not everybody has it.

> The interface example is in "boost_gui_test/dialog.cpp".
> In the example code I support combinations of row(), column(),
> group(), static text, and edit(), and date_time().

Maybe we could start be taking a portable paint device; rectangles, fonts,
frames & events and we could mix your code to it portably.  We could then
implement groups, line edits, ...,  Excel ;)

I suggest taking maybe some classes of WxWindows or Qt for basic portable
[x1, y1, x2, y2] paint devices.  This would be a beginning.


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