At 06:42 PM 8/10/2003, brock wrote:

>This makes me wonder what the legal ramifications are of developing code
>for a boost or other non 'work' project while at work?  I also made it
>clear to my boss, who is a good programmer and uses boost, that I planned
>on devoting a significant amount of time to this new GUI project.  Again,
>he thought it was great.  Should I get this permission formalized?

Yes, to protect both yourself and Boost. In particular, figure out ahead of time who owns the code and thus whose copyright goes in the code. My own rule is that the first line of code that goes into a new source file is always the copyright line. Avoids one source of potential misunderstanding.

It sounds like in your case the company will hold the copyright, so you should definitely get formal permission to contribute the code to Boost.


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