At 11:12 AM 1/2/03 -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:
* Drew Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-02 11:06]:
> X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
> I've recently gotten a Mac OS X (10.2.3) box up & running.

Not using it yet, though, huh?  :)
I should note that I sent the email from work where I am harnessed to NT 4. :-( But yes, I have the machine up & running but have not yet started using it on a daily basis. Problem #1 being that I have no built-in modem, no external modem on hand, and broadband is not available in the North End where I live.

> 2. What are your favorite/must have utilities?
> 3. Are you using Mail for email? Plusses & minuses are welcome.

I'm not a Mac user, so I don't have any OS X-specific advice, but
remember that all/most of your favorite Unix utilities will run under OS
X -- be sure to include some of the better ones in your considerations.

For example, mutt -- the best MUA available, bar none -- will work just
fine under OS X.
I know everyone raves about mutt, and will probably look into it at some point. But it seems strange to be using a text-oriented mail program in one of the prettiest GUI's available. ;-) I also wonder if is the best available GUI email program for OS X.


Drew Taylor | Web development & consulting | perl/mod_perl/DBI/mysql/postgres
"If you don't know what your program is supposed to do,
you'd better not start writing it." -Edsger Dijkstra
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