At 09:30 -0500 2003.03.14, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>At 9:13 AM -0500 3/14/03, Tolkin, Steve wrote:
>>I want "good Damian" to work with Larry el al. to reduce the
>>complexity of the language.  Or (shudder) a subset of the language to
>>be defined.
>>Please advise me as to how to proceed.
>Ruby and Python seem to be the standard choices.

What's wrong with Perl (the one that actually exists)?  It's not going away ...

Perl 6 won't be here for a long time, and even when it does arrive, many
people will continue to use Perl 5.

I don't like the Perl 6 language, in many ways.  I stopped caring; why
should I worry about something I don't like that I can't change, when I
have something I do like already?

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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