Chris Devers wrote:

I resisted using the win-key for years, but now that I've given in, I'd never want to go back to using Windows without having that key, and it bugs me that Linux & OSX don't seem to have globally available system tools available with just a keystroke like that.

On my Linux laptop (SuSE 9.1 and KDE), the Windows key actually DOES do something: it pops up the SuSE menu of applications. So it's not completely dead weight. There aren't any Windows-key+something functions, though.

And yet, for whatever reason, no one ever complains about the useless [SysReq] key, or (the one that really bugs me) about the conspicuous absense of keys for basics [cut], [copy], and [paste].

And yet people have no trouble getting worked up over a perfectly useful key that just happens to be burdened with an annoying little advertising label on it.

People don't complain about the SysRq key or those other useless keys you mentioned because they're mostly in out-of-the-way places. The Windows key, on the other hand, occupies prime real estate on the keyboard, so it is a bit more in the way. I think the original poster didn't like the Windows key because it pushes the Control key farther away from the spacebar.
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