--- Chris Devers mumbled on 2004-08-04 20.08.27 -0400 ---
> On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, John Abreau wrote:
> >There's also the fact that SysRq actually does something, at least on 
> >Redhat and Fedora using the default Gnome desktop settings: it creates 
> >a screenshot.
> That sentence, in a nutshell, is why I'm ready to give up on Linux :)
> How amusingly lateral their thinking was in choosing that over the much 
> too obviously labeled "print screen" key. I can just picture the devious 
> little bastards now: "where can we put this where NO ONE will think to 
> look for it and no one will ever find it on purpose? Wait, I know!"

I'm looking at the keyboard I'm at now, and a few others, and I see:

 [ Print Screen / SysReq ]

As one key. Am I missing something, or did the GNOME guys really choose the 
correct key?

If I'm not mistaken, Linux has an option where the SysReq key becomes a 
special key that works when the kernel freezes. I seem to remember Linux 
developers using it. (I also seem to remember someone getting flamed for 
suggesting that FreeBSD use it.)

Mike Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://netgeek.ws
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