On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 09:58:20PM -0500, Tom Metro wrote:
> Sean Quinlan wrote:
> >If your really looking for a replacement to Exhange and all or most of
> >it's services I'd recommend looking into SuSE's (now Novell's) 
> >OpenExchange server. http://www.novell.com/products/openexchange/
> >Getting the full product may be more money than they want to spend...
> Anyone get the business model Novell is using with SuSE? They keep 
> sending me trial CDs for SuSE (I'm on Novell's mailing list), but who 
> wants to spend the time installing an operating system on a server only 
> to have it expire in 60 or 90 days? If it's open source, shouldn't I be 
> able to run it indefinitely (without support, of course)?
> With RedHat it was pretty easy to find the unsupported free download of 
> their product. I haven't gone looking for the equivalent from SuSE, but 
> their marketing sure gives the impression that such a thing doesn't exist.

We had a rep from a Novell OEM a month or so ago visit Toronto's
TLUG, and if I recall correctly, the free samples he was handing
out of SLES 9 were an n-day trial, but the end of the trial
was by the honour system, there was nothing in the code to
remove itself or stop working.  So, I don't think they will
have any real complaint if you run a trial for longer than
the official period; and then convert it to real by getting a
support license of some sort.  (I haven't looked into the sales
process for business use of SLES, I just use SuSE Professional
and buy the box set every few releases.)

SuSE has traditionally made it non-obvious how to download
their install disk sets, but that may change now for a couple
of reasons. (1) They are providing the entry level desktop as a
free download ISO now.  (2) They made YaST free source, so there
is no longer a business reason to prevent casual access to it.

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