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On Thursday 26 July 2007 01:09, Gadi Evron wrote:
> Got any comments on the third chapter?
I just finished reading it last night after I sent my last email:

I felt this chapter was the meatiest up to this point. I feel that your points 
are well made and that you cover a broad range of technologies. I don't have 
any factual problems with your writing (unlike the previous chapters, not 
written by you).

My only complaint is that I would have wished to have more technical details. 
For example: I am curious to know exactly how P2P decentralized networks 
work, specifically with the idea of public-key crypto for the farmer. 

On a personal note, I would have liked to see some more opinionated ideas from 
you on this chapter. What are the most dangerous C&C types? Where are the 
trends going to go? Unlike the other authors, I trust your thoughts on these 
matters as I know of your experience.

But take my complaint(s) with a grain of salt. On this matter I am already 
knowledgable, so I am looking to expand my knowledge and I have a critical 
eye when doing it.

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