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> But take my complaint(s) with a grain of salt. On this matter I am already 
> knowledgable, so I am looking to expand my knowledge and I have a critical 
> eye when doing it.

Sorry for the late post - been traveling (too much) lately.

I reviewed this book for ;login:, and I gave it a fairly good review.
That said, the reasons behind that favorable review were largely based
on the ;login: audience, which is *not* "knowledgeable" on the whole.  I
think this book gives an adequate intro to that type of audience, but
probably not as much substance as what the folks on this list are
looking for (which seems to line up w/ Craig's comments).

I would recommend picking up Niels Provos/Thorsten Holz "Virtual
Honeypots" for a bit more meat:

Not as much emphasis on bot technologies (so far that I've read), but
more on the tools/techniques used to gather and evaluate.

To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
upon request.

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