Interesting article:,,7-420765,00.html

Meanwhile, volumes 2 to 10 trace the adventures of an intrepid band of
yuppie-ish, clean-cut and mostly white American goodies during the
intervening Tribulation, as they race round the world in fast cars and
helicopters, trying to fight the evil forces of a slimy Romanian monster
called Nicolae Carpathia. 
It soon becomes apparent that Carpathia is none other than the Antichrist
himself. The fact that he is also Secretary-General of the United
Nations, and that his wicked stormtroopers are called “Peacekeepers”,
tells you rather a lot about what Bible-Belt America thinks of the UN and
its peacekeeping operations. Oh yes, and did I mention that his
headquarters are in Baghdad? Spooky coincidence, or what? Cities get
blown up, armies zapped. And our heroes make amazing escapes on almost
every page — none more startling than the episode in the latest book
where, pursued by the forces of darkness, they leap into a plane piloted
by the Archangel Michael (who turns out, not surprisingly, to be rather
good at flying). 
So is it all harmless pseudo-theological bunk — Batman meets Billy
Graham? I am not so sure. The insidious thing about the Left Behind
novels is that, lurking beneath the thrills and spills, they promulgate a
distinctly disturbing world view. All international organisations, from
the UN downwards, are regarded as fronts for secular humanists who do
“the Devil’s work” (quite literally, of course, in these novels). Even
the Roman Catholic Church is castigated, which isn’t surprising since, in
his nonfiction writing, LaHaye has declared Catholicism to be a “false
Also lambasted or ridiculed are liberals, ecumenicals and everyone else
who is “hoodwinked” by the notion of global peace, harmonious
co-existence or disarmament — all regarded as con-tricks perpetrated by
the Antichrist. Women in authority are crudely caricatured as stupid or
sadistic. Europeans generally are unreliable and untrustworthy. The
message is: it’s up to right-minded Americans to get out there and show
them, at gunpoint if necessary (and it usually is), that God is boss. 

Religion Delenda est!

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