--- The Fool wrote:
> Interesting article:
> So is it all harmless pseudo-theological bunk —
> Batman meets Billy
> Graham? I am not so sure. The insidious thing about
> the Left Behind
> novels is that, lurking beneath the thrills and
> spills, they promulgate a
> distinctly disturbing world view. All international
> organisations, from
> the UN downwards, are regarded as fronts for secular
> humanists who do
> “the Devil’s work” (quite literally, of course, in
> these novels). Even
> the Roman Catholic Church is castigated, which isn’t
> surprising since, in
> his nonfiction writing, LaHaye has declared
> Catholicism to be a “false religion”. 
> Also lambasted or ridiculed are liberals,
> ecumenicals and everyone else
> who is “hoodwinked” by the notion of global peace,
> harmonious
> co-existence or disarmament — all regarded as
> con-tricks perpetrated by
> the Antichrist. Women in authority are crudely
> caricatured as stupid or
> sadistic. Europeans generally are unreliable and
> untrustworthy. The
> message is: it’s up to right-minded Americans to get
> out there and show
> them, at gunpoint if necessary (and it usually is),
> that God is boss. 

I will never understand how a movement that began with
someone who preached love and forgiveness (admittedly
I'm ignoring a lot of the Gospel of John, whose author
probably would have liked these books) wound up with a
bunch of people who truly believe that God orders them
to kill other people (for _whose_ good?!).

And this 'end-time' mentality is a nightmare for the
environment - why care about the polar bear or nene
goose if everything is going to be blown up? (Or
whatever happens in Revelations - I tried to read it
in high school, but found it incomprehensible.  I
suppose Plague that only affected humans might spare
most creatures, but I can't hope for such a grim

Have you ever tried to talk (not argue, but discuss)
with some of these fundamentalists?  They won't even
_listen_ to an idea that contradicts their world-view.

Made The Attempt Maru

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