Deborah Harrell wrote:

> There are Belgian teams that pull beer wagons in
> parades here (Miller, I think); at the last Colorado
> State Fair I went to, there was a draft horse pull: no
> whip or rein-slapping allowed, just verbal commands.
> The winning Belgians' performance was impressive: at
> the driver's quiet "and Set..." the horses rocked back
> onto their quarters; at "..HUP!" they slammed into
> their collars as one, and didn't stop until the sledge
> crossed the line.  (They also did plowing and lumber
> work the rest of the year.)

Ooo, I love watching horse-pulling competitions (or "hoss-pullin'", as I
heard it in Rockingham Co., NH).  The horses that compete seem to really
enjoy doing a good job, which is always enjoyable to see.


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