--- The Fool wrote:
> http://proliberty.com/observer/20020907.htm

"She goes on to say that doctors need to understand
that vaccines contain toxic ingredients and foreign
DNA that do not belong in the bodies of people. She
believes it is up to ordinary citizens to insist that
physicians do the reading and the math. When they have
done their homework, Dr. Tenpenny claims that it
becomes nearly impossible for physicians to justify
vaccinating children as the most intelligent way to
immunize them from childhood diseases."

I don't have the time at the moment, but I will
respond more fully later; however, I must point out
that a mere 50 years ago, people feared summer as 'the
season of polio' and that 'iron lungs' became a thing
of the past once vaccinations were available.  Also,
DNA is _not_ part of all (or even most) vaccines; many
are made of the _outer_ coats of bacteria or viruses.


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