At 10:42 19-10-2002 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:

I think it's rather rude to drag an off-list exchange onto a list
without the permission of all parties involved.

It is my belief that discussions taken off-list should be kept off-list
until such time as all parties involved agree it should go back
Even if the discussion is technically not taken off-list, but one poster replies off-list because he apparently lacks the courage to reply on-list to on-list messages -- almost certainly because an on-list reply is likely to generate criticism of said poster's behaviour?

If there is a disagreement in progress, the person dragging it all back
into public view mid-discussion comes off as a jerk that day, IMO.  If
someone does this once a year at most, it's not so bad, but repeated
instances lower *my* opinion of the person who makes a habit of it.
Then what is your opinion about people who, like JDG, make claims but refuse to answer questions, and refuse to back their claims when asked to do so?

Jeroen "Curious minds want to know" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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