----- Original Message -----
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Question for everyone

> I cannot look inside JDG's head, so I cannot say with 100% certainty that
> lack of courage is the reason why he replied off-list to on-list posts.
> does however seem to be the reason; I have tried and failed to think of
> other reason that sounded at least a bit acceptable.

Let me offer a hypothesis, and I betcha dollars to donuts that JDG will
tell me if I'm right or wrong..  There have been many complaints about your
and JDGs exchanges on the list.  A number of people have asked for
acrimonious exchanges to be taken off list.  I'm guessing that JDG cannot
assure himself that the exchanges will be pleasant, and is responding off
list in order to preclude his posting of unpleasant posts on the list.

If he were a coward, do you think he'd take on the brinmeister himself on
list?  Those have been freewheeling exchanges, without devolving into
personal nastiness. Since, IMHO, you do not present a greater intellectual
challenge than db, I find that compelling evidence that the lack of an on
list response is not his unwillingness to tangle in public with a strong

I've known JDG on list a long time, and there are things I can fault him
for.  However, an unwillingness to debate a point publicly is about the
last thing I'd consider.

(Just to make it clear I'm not slamming him, I've known myself a lot
longer, and there are many more things I can fault me for than JDG.) :-)

Dan M.


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