At 09:38 PM 10/20/2002 +0200 J. van Baardwijk wrote:
>This is false; you really need to work on your quoting skills. The question
>is why countries (European and other) would insist on UN support *IF* they
>consider the UN to be a discredited organisation.
>Given the fact that all those countries insist on UN support, it should be
>obvious that they do not share your opinion that the UN is a discredited

Whoa!   You didn't ask me to answer the question "Why do Europeans continue
to insist on UN support?"

You asked me to answer, "Why do European conutries continue to insist on UN
support if they consider the UN to be a discredited organization?"

If I respond to that question, with the statement:  "The Europeans don't
believe that the UN is discredited" - then I have not answered your
question, now have I?    That is because you asked me a conditional
question, and one cannot answer a conditional question by rejecting the
conditional. That is, as you say, evading the question.

Finally! John, do you notice the difference? You actually tried to paraphrase and get to the kernel of disagreement. So... was Jeroen mistaken to believe the conditional? That you were claiming the EU members have discredited the UN? If you never claimed this, then his question is based on a mistaken impression of your beliefs.

Now please take this offline


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