At 23:56 25-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

No. When you have a discussion with someone, you need to agree on common definitions for terms.
The disagreement was not about the *common* definition of the word; the disagreement was about whether or not an alternative meaning of a word has to be listed in certain dictionaries for it to be a *valid* meaning.

So, do you refuse to accept that a word can have a valid meaning that differs from the most commonly used meaning?
Not in the least.
Yet, that is exactly what you are doing. You are dismissing an alternative meaning as "invalid" merely because it is not listed in your dictionaries of choice. Where do those dictionairies say that the meaning *they* give is The Only True And Correct Meaning To The Exception Of Everything Else?

I only responded this time because I felt it would be rude to do
And appreciated, it is. I know someone who could learn from that attitude.

Enjoy the last word.
Thanks, I will.   <GRIN>

Jeroen "That will be all" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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