I've been enjoying reading this thread.  I have a comment or three, and
a question (and the question is something I could probably look up, but
I figure someone knows the answer....)

> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:42:23 -0600, Dan Minette wrote:
> >You might be my age, but then you would remember the 50 mpg cars that
> >existed in 1979.  I owned one of them: a diesel rabbit.  SUVs are big
> >monsters that get low milage...plus the pollution controls cut gas milage
> >significantly.
> For the record I am 38.
> The Ford Focus is the most popular car in the world.
> You've mentioned this before so I have to ask. Do you advocate removing
> pollution controls from cars to improve efficiency?

1)  I don't remember the Rabbits in 1979, but I remember them a couple
of years later.  I learned to drive stick shift on one in 1986.  That
was an incredibly forgiving car; I've never driven another one that
would have actually let me drive 10mph in 4th gear.  I'm younger than

2)  How many people does the Ford Focus seat?  How many infant/child car
seats can you get into the back seat of it?

> >>Meanwhile, the big 3 auto manufacturers have a long history of putting cars
> >>on the road with known safety problems and perpetuating the myth that the
> >>heavier a vehicle is, the safer it is.
> >
> >Well, if it is a myth, then why have my kids been hit several times and
> >hardly noticed it in our conversion van?
> About 10 years ago I was in a head-on accident in my Suzuki Sidekick. I walked
> away with a sprained ankle and seatbelt bruises. But this doesn't really mean
> anything.
> This seems like an honest analysis.
> http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/EETD-SUV-Safety.html

A large car will, on average, probably protect you better.  I looked at
the article and I can believe what it says about the SUVs not being as
safe as large cars.  Heck, if I were driving my car at high speed, the
way a state trooper driving the same model did during a high-speed chase
a few years back, and I hit an SUV just the right way, I could walk away
from the collision and everyone in the SUV would be dead.  (But I'd have
to hit it at a crucial spot to get those results.)  The article
mentioned various makes and models, but I didn't see Volvo on there. 
I'd like to see what the latest results are regarding the safety of
Volvos.  Looks like they're not popular enough to be included in the
22-page report whose URL is at the bottom of the article.  Looks like a
very interesting report, and if I get time later this week, I'll try to
read all of it.


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