----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Tarr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: Scouted: Women prefer HDTV to Diamonds???

> last of six because it's currently the nicest. I'd like to move or remove
> wall to redo the kitchen, wondering if I should consult an architect or
> interior design person. Any suggestion/experiences?
> A friend who is helping has made one great suggestion and two bad ones. He
> thinks the nine foot ceilings are too much and should put in drop
> and replace my cast iron drain pipes with PVC while I have the walls open.
> I hate drop ceilings (visually) and I hate PVC drain pipes (noise).

9 foot ceilings are much nicer. They make a room look spacious.

If the cast iron is in good shape and not rusted through, keep it.
Iron pipe is much more durable.

Are your walls plaster or drywall?

Stippling the ceiling and a nice wallpaper border at the top of a wall can
do a lot to improve a living space. Its a waste in a bedroom if you ask me,
but enough people like it that you see it pretty often.

Remove The Walls, Let In More Light!!!!! Maru


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