Kevin Tarr wrote:

> Still haven't started yet, waiting for the mad season to be over with:
> Sonja, what do you mean about the weight of the plaster replaced, 700kg? Do
> you mean that 50kg came off a wall that had to be replaced with something
> else, or that was truly the weight of the material that was new?

Well in total 28 bags at 25 kg each of plaster went into this house. We had about
800 kg stacked in our living room when they started. I nicked one bag for repairs
and three went back to the supplier. In order for so much plaster to go in, first
it had to come off. And all that with a chisel and a hammer in under three days. It
is a very impressiv amount when stacked in ones living room. And If I hadn't been
there myself I wouldn't have believed it.

> Still haven't started yet, waiting for the mad season to be over with:
> He thinks the nine foot ceilings are too much and should put in drop ceilings

I love high ceilings, but it is worth considering the decoration you put on them to
make the most of them. I did something spectacular with ours so now our rather high
(we also have 9 ft ceilings downstairs) narrow long tunnellike livingroom has that
feel of spaciousness and luxurious width it doesn't have by nature. Everybody is
surprised when entering. I've noticed that it totally fools the eye. So it just all
depends on what you do with it. Just don't put in drop ceilings.

I personally dislike the look of any form of drop ceilings. Wood, panneling or
other. But there is a new kind of system of 'drop'ceiling. Actually it is more like
a fake ceiling. It kind of works kind of like laminated flooring only the panels
are much bigger and nailed to a wooden support that has to be put onto the ceiling
first. When finished it rather looks like it has been plastered really fancy and
since it is synthetic it is rather easy to clean. And the best part is that you
don't loose much hight or see any of the fixings. There is only a loss of 3 to 4 cm
that you need to put in the pannels. It looks really great. I've seen it in a
friends house and it is absolutely gorgeous. Only problem is the price. It is
somewhat expensive. But I think rather worth it if you aren't good at plastering



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