At 08:18 PM 12/3/02 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

Toilets are useful things that all of us come in contact with several
times a day, and when they malfunction, it's a problem.  (Notice that a
significant portion of the toilet talk is about ones that aren't working
optimally, at the very least?)

Why is that any different from anyone discussing their computer

(At least we haven't had anything resembling an OS war on the toilet

How about regular versus "low-flow"?

(Which is frequently "NO-flow" . . . providing a counterexample to Adam's Second Law of Plumbing, in that it just sits there and ferments rather than going down the pipe . . . )

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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