Reggie wrote:
> I'd like to pose an open question to the list.  I'm
> interested in responses that apply to governance in
> general, and also specifically to our current      
> situation re: Jeroen.


> Does a truly democratic society need police, or is  
> there some other, better way to handle disruptive  
> behavior and those who behave disruptively?

I've been thinking about this, espcially in light of
some of the complints leveled against Nick and Julia. 
Nick, I think, has de facto authority over the list,
due to the fact that he is providing the hosting, and
it's on his equipment, with software he owns.  Julia
has, in my opinion, shown herself to be levelheaded,
impartial and hard to intimidate, so I pretty
automatically assumed she'd be in some type of
listowner/admin position. 

How should we handle administrative authority on the

We've got a lot of options, some less palatable than
others.  It's obvious that, in light of both recent
events ond other events in the past, that there is
occasionally a need to move to actively work to rein
in a listmember that is acting inappropriately.  

I'm wondering if we need to set up a three or five
person committee (perhaps with rotating membership) to
deal with stuff like this.  Either elected or
volunteer membership would do, but I'd nominate
Alberto for sure.  

I dunno - it's the bare bones of an idea, and I'm not
sure how the damn thing would work, but it's worth
discussing, I think.  

Or maybe not.  Just throwing out an idea.


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