From: Jean-Louis Couturier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Open question to the list
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 14:31:29 -0500

At 22:30 2002-12-05 -0800, Debbi wrote:

Adam Lipscomb wrote:
>"How should we handle administrative authority on the

>We've got a lot of options, some less palatable than
>others.  It's obvious that, in light of both recent
>events ond other events in the past, that there is
>occasionally a need to move to actively work to rein
>in a listmember that is acting inappropriately.

>I'm wondering if we need to set up a three or five
>person committee (perhaps with rotating membership)
>deal with stuff like this.  Either elected or
>volunteer membership would do..."

A rotating committee of active list members could act
as a panel of judges/arbitrators in 'non-immediate
danger' situations; but a listmember who was
'dangerous' - as in hacking into a security system -
could legitimately be 'banned' immediately by the
listowners, with arbitration/discussion to follow,
setting conditions of "moderation" or sanctions.
<frowns at this thread-over to Iraq>
Such a system would take some of the responsibilities
from the listowners, and give listmembers a way to
request intervention if they felt they were being
treated unfairly (but it just might *prevent* such a
situation in the first place).  If it doesn't meet
with the community's approval during a trial period,
dissolve it.

~This would require the willing participation of all
active members.
~Panels (3- or 5-person) would have to be balanced as
much as possible WRT positions on free expression,
what constitutes harrassment or personal attacks, etc.
~The list would become at least partially 'moderated'
- or perhaps 'more an adult.'

I'm sure there are many more I haven't thought of.
This also has the merit of being a proactive way of dealing with problems. It
might help us solve problems before they inflate.

Would I be willing to be on such a panel? Only if it
was for a specified length of time (3 months? 6?
<shudder>), because I *would not* enjoy dealing with
such conflicts, but I can't really propose something
if I'm not willing to be a part of, can I?
I'd also volunteer. I'd rather find a solution than sit on the sidelines while
things heat up.

I don't like having to discuss this at all, but it
isn't going to go away.  :(


Do we really need to go this far? Brin-L was conceptualized with open transparency in mind. The type of 'big brother' committee you're proposing is, I believe, overkill.

What's wrong with a simple majority vote (over a finite time period -- say a couple of days or more), on whether someone should be moderated for a pre-specified time period.

A random member could be selected as a non-voting arbitrator in case of a tie.

I'm very curious about how more people (Marvin, Adam, Julia, Ronn, Reggie, Jim, Nick, Erik etc.,) feel about your idea.


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