Trent Shipley wrote:

> They do not love their Civilization with unqualified patiotic devotion and
> they refuse to quietly emmigrate to somewhere else.  They should be lined up
> and shot for the traitors to Civilization that they are--except that
> exterminating them would be even worse for Civilization than letting them and
> their irrelevant minority of mostly-harmless looney-leftists nip the
> Civilized breast that feeds their eternally immature and ungrateful species.

You know, I liked that paragraph up to the point of nipping the breast
-- I had mine nipped rather painfully recently enough to think that if
they're *still* nipping the breast at *that* point, maybe they oughtta
be smacked down.  (I just screamed in surprise and pain, pried him off
and denied further access.  He's *almost* weaned.  *Almost*.)


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