Got this in my mailbox this morning.  Whoo boy.  For anyone else who
didn't see this week's episode of Enterprise, this excerpt from a review
doesn't spoil the ending or plot but may ruin your viewing pleasure
anyway. :-)

"Precious Cargo"
Zero Stars
In brief: Bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Bad.

If a casual viewer happened to tune in this week, they'd have but one
question: So, this is what passes for Star Trek these days?

I sincerely hope not. I hope the producers realized this was a dog and
aired it only because, faced with a deadline, they had no choice. I hope
they can one day look back and laugh at this atrocity. Laughing is not
likely to happen right now, however, as UPN and Enterprise continue to
face woeful days of sagging ratings and a questionable future. With an
episode like this, those lousy ratings are deserved. Have the producers
no respect for their audience's intelligence and, more important, the
audience's desire to be entertained?

"Precious Cargo" is nothing. Zero. Zilch. A test pattern. An empty
vessel. A hollow corpse. A lifeless mass. A limp body. A vapid hour. A
lamentable experience. A lousy outing. A table scrap. A scrap without
meat. A piece of garbage. A test of viewer endurance. Television
detritus. Hoary insipidity. A road to nowhere. A road from nowhere.
Utter crap. Astounding banality. Awful dreck. A dismal failure. An
abomination. A self-parody. A bad self-parody. An insult to the
intellect. A slap to the face.

Did I mention it was bad?

At the risk of overstating my case, I'll just say that essentially, this
episode is one big, long, long, long, long cliche. This is certainly one
of the longest hours of Trek ever made. And one of the dumbest. And most
boring and pointless. There is literally NOTHING here that inspires
thinking. The actors are deer trapped in the blinding headlights of the
script, coming at them at 60 mph. Wham. Yikes -- looks like this one's a


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