Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for one of the nicest welcomes I've had
yet on the internet.

----- Original Message -----
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: brin: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

One of these days I'm going to have to read the Transparent Society, I
<waves at Big Brother - gotta love ya!>
I'm very glad I haven't done anything on the internet I'm ashamed of.
Except that one thing. And maybe that other thing, too...
Welp, there go my chances of being president....

> At 12:12 15-12-2002 -0600, Amanda SubbaRao wrote:
> Speaking of unlurking, there was an Amanda <Marlowe posting here in
> 1997/1998 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Are you that same Amanda by any chance?

Depends. What are you charging her with? ;)

> >Do you work for the government by any chance?
> Er... um... now that you mention it... yes, I do.   <GRIN>

It was my evil twin! I didn't do it!

> So, my informants provided me with outdated information again. Time to have
> a very serious talk with them about that...

I wouldn't hold it against them, really. I expect I'm still listed as working
given the way their beaurocracy works...

> The one I was referring to is<remainder of URL
> omitted>.

That woud be the one I haven't had access to in years, yes.

> Jeroen "Intelligence Operations" van Baardwijk

Yah know, I have a friend at work who likes to ferret stuff out about me.
I'd give him little assignments, like to find out where I went to high school.
I told him about your email, and he said he was totally out-classed and
would give it all up.

> By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
> (both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
> and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
> consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

See, I was going to reply privately, but I figured you'd just send it to the
list anyway once I read this ;).

What's that? In my cheek? Oh, it's either my tongue or one of those
'you'll never take me alive' capsules...


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