"I would sooner embroider Washington crossing the Delaware on the insides of my eyelids than help the two of you get into a situation where you might possibly reproduce."

But seriously, I have some questions. I got a forceful suggestion that I e-mail someone, from her aunt. Practically a command. I've seen this girl twice in the last four years, and maybe spoken ten words to her. The aunt wasn't offering any help, she just said, 'I'll get you her e-mail, you o the rest.

First of all: how in the world could you write a good e-mail? "Oh your aunt said you were lonely and your life pitiful, she thought us hooking up would be good for both of us!"

Let's say I do come up with an okay e-mail, would any of you ladies react favorably receiving a cold-call message? (The guys don't have to answer, I know that response)

Obviously a lot I'm leaving out. She lives far away. I'd rather do an e-mail then phone her, if I cannot take her out in person.

I mostly can't believe I'm even thinking about this.

Kevin T.
driving in a winter wonderland


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