--- Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<snipped further deliniation of 'Buffy science'> 
> Just like any book, movie, TV show, or piece of
> music,
> Buffy certainly isn't for everyone.  But a lot of
> folks ignore the very strong characters and
> fantastic
> writing.  I think the fact that the poll in SFX has
> four characters from BtVS certainly speaks to that.

And my teen students suddenly think that I'm cool (or
at least cooler than their parents!) when they find
out that I like the show (although 'Angel' has been
going in bizarre directions lately <shudder>).  But my
choice of 'guy-to-watch' amuses them (Giles the
ex-librarian, who I must say looks good on a

Not A Bad Springboard For Bringing Up Tough Topics
With Teens Either Maru

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