Erik said:

> Just why should the EU seriously on military and foreign policy
> matters?

Let's not forget that the EU itself is a triumph of the collective
foreign policies of the European nations. Of course, the US was vital
militarily because it helped protect Europe from the might of the
Soviet Union, but it's almost entirely as a result of the methods of
the western European nations that the end of the Cold War sees a stable
European Union and not a handful of competitive powers as has been
usual in modern history. I think the US should be thankful that its
worst foreign policy problems are the relatively trivial matters of
Iraq and North Korea rather than, say, a cold war (or hot....) between
a France and Germany both with nuclear weapons.

Given the various military or diplomatic crises that plagued Europe
every few decades before WW2 (including such spasms as WW1, the
Franco-Prussian war, the Napoleonic Wars, the European wars of which
the American Revolution formed a small component, the Seven Years
War...), this is no small achievement. That the EU is about to
assimilate the various nations of eastern Europe and is likely to also
admit the Balkan nations and perhaps even some nations of North Africa
is even more remarkable.

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