Jon Gabriel wrote:

> >From: "G. D. Akin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Scouted: Dell follows Apple: Eliminates Floppies
> >Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 06:19:30 +0900
> >
> >The only problem (a sentimental one) with this for me is I will have to
> >give
> >up my Borland Pascal 7.0.  I still have the original 12 or 13 720Kb 3.5"
> >floppies and everytime I upgrade my computer, one of the first things I do
> >is install it.
> You may not have to.... you might be able to copy all the floppies to their
> own folders on a cd and then write a bat file to allow you to install them
> from the cd.

Borland is easy. Copy all files from your disk onto a cd-rom, it isn't really
necessary to keep them in separate folders. But since CD space is cheep, you
could opt to make two versions. One for the programm as a whole and the other
with a directory for each disk. For install, <optional> just copy all the files
from the CD-rom onto your harddisk and </optional> run the install, it's any of
the exe files on the first 'disk'. You then have to tell the install where to
look for the files and where to install them to. Works like a charm.



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