On > Behalf Of Erik Reuter
> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 6:25 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: weather update from central Ohio....
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 06:04:23PM -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:
> > The top of the snow drift against the house can be seen through the
> > glass screen door.  It's about 6 feet high.  Quite heavy.  Actually,
> > extremely heavy.  I stopped pushing against it before the glass on
> > screen door broke.
> Did you read LeGuin's _The Left Hand of Darkness_? I remember they had
> two sets of house doors, one on the ground floor for summer, and one
> the second floor for winter.

That would have been appropriate. :) 

> > 3) Go out a window and start digging. (It'll be a cold day in hell
> > before I... um... yeah. *sigh* Besides, due to a freak accident of
> > design, one set of windows opens onto a drop down the basement
> > and the others are about 7 feet off the ground.)
> 7 feet? 6 foot drift? Perfect!

Only if the snow wasn't so light & fluffy. :)  

I'm almost positive I've related this on the list at some point:  A
friend went to SUNY Buffalo.  Roommate was from Indiana.  They had a
*huge* blizzard come through.  At least a 10 foot snow drift against the
front door of the building.  

Friend wakes up, looks outside his second story window.  Sees nothing
but snow.  Rolls over, assumes class is cancelled. 

Indianan roommate wakes up, looks outside, assumes class is in session.
Gets dressed.  Throws on backpack.  Opens Window.  Says "Later!"  Jumps
out the window.  Sinks to ground level.  Snow collapses on top of him.  

Friend calls for help.  Half the dorm leaps out their windows after
roommate.  Dig him out (mostly with their hands).  Drag him indoors.
Give him hot drinks.  Beat him until he understands how very stupid he

Although I *Might* Make It To The Picnic Table If I Jumped Maru

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