From: "Marvin Long, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Your Favorite SciFi/Fantasy Movie Soundtrack?
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:34:27 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Reggie Bautista wrote:

> Did you read Roddenberry's novelization of ST:TMP?  (Some say it was
> ghost-written by Alan Dean Foster.)

I feel the ST:TMP is most Trekkish, by TOS standards, of the movies.
What happened IMO is that STII:TWoK *changed* the Star Trek formula.
True. ST2 is Nick Meyer's interpretation of "Star Trek". Remember that as good as ST:TMP was, it didn't really do as well as the studio expected at the box office. Therefore, they went along with Harve Bennet's view of episodic television's "recipe for success". In ST:TMP, the Enterprise is a big, QE2 type of super-cruiser. In ST2, Nick Meyer turns the Enterprise basically into a WW2 submarine, and the fight in the Mutara Nebula is arguably one of the best "submarine" space battles in movie history. Cinefantastique called ST6's space battle "the best ever", but I think WoK beats that.

Thus STIII is about the relationship between Spock and his crewmates; STIV
is about the relationship between Spock and his crewmates with a nice
environmental message thown in the mix along with some social humor; STV,
if it existed,
"If it existed" <LOL> Isn't it sad that Rodenberry disowned this movie? Even in the Trek encyclopedias, the "existence" of Sybok is questioned.

Stop me when I reach a movie devoted to boldly going somewhere and
experiencing something SFish; or, failing SFish, new.

Oh, no, by no means. This is a great review. I'm having too much fun reading it. :)

If I may add, let's not forgetting the main point that the movies 2 thru 6 hammer to death: Captain Kirk's midlife crisis. The theme of Kirk growing old was nice when it was first introduced in ST2, but by the time they got to ST6, it was sooo overworked, it wasn't fun to watch anymore. There is one exception, though; in ST5 ("if it existed" <LOL> ) Kirk becomes young again, only to age again in ST6. I think there's a major timeline omission here, and a long gap of years has been left out of these films.

And I refuse to buy the DVDs until they come out with a real ST:TOS boxed
A wise choice. I bought the original DVD releases, and I'm finding myself buying the new editions of the DVD's, though. So far, the only one's worth the money, are ST:TMP with the restored footage and newly shot special fx. WoK has some extra footage, but they stopped adding extra footage in STIII. That disappointed me.


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