At 15:11 17-03-03 -0600, Dan Minette wrote:

> > Absolutely. Come Sunday, I will have been living in The Netherlands
> > for the last 36 years. I can assure you that our politicians have
> > been elected (two elections so far this year), and I can assure you
> > that if my country would be a republic, I would know about it.
> Republic (n)
> ....
> 2) a) A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of
> citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives
> responsible to them.
>    b) A nation that has such a political order.
> JDG - Not the Netherlands? Maru?

The first definition I found in Webster's indicates that a republic does
not have a monarch.  The second definition is the one you gave.

I already figured that the first definition had to be something that contradicted JDG's argument. Thanks for the quick response, Dan -- you saved me the trouble of looking up that first definition myself.

So, a republic does not have a monarch. The Netherlands does have a monarch, therefore The Netherlands is not a republic.


Jeroen "Political Observations" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:        


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