> Where is the 101st, though?  That's a question that
> has been bugging me.  Somewhere in the west?  It's a
> light infantry division - strategically, not
> tactically, mobile.  Its Apaches do give it
> significant striking power though.  Rick Atkinson of
> the Washington Post was embedded with them, but none
> of his reports for the Post have been "From the front"
> stories the last few days.  What's going on there, I
> wonder.

This report places the 101st near Najaf.



As Battle Escalates, Holy Site Is Turned Into a Stronghold

By Rick Atkinson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, April 1, 2003; Page A01

NAJAF, Iraq, March 31 -- The U.S. military's bombardment of Najaf
escalated sharply today, but the assault is proving problematic for
the Army, which finds itself entangled in precisely the sort of urban
combat that military planners hoped to avoid.

Continuous ground fire and airstrikes battered suspected military
targets barely a half-mile from one of the holiest sites for Shiite
Muslims, the tomb of Ali, son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad. Within
the city, according to Army intelligence estimates, there are 1,400
to 2,100 Iraqi fighters, made up of Saddam's Fedayeen and Al Quds

Army Special Forces teams operating around Najaf said today that
Fedayeen militiamen are converting the Tomb of Ali into a central
stronghold, firing rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and automatic
weapons from the narrow alleys and neighborhoods around the shrine,
which is also adjacent to a market. "It's a rabbit warren," one
commander said.

Rooting Iraqi defenders from the shrine is a difficult tactical
problem as well as an enormous political challenge, and senior
officers worry that the operation foreshadows fights in the many
urban areas leading to Baghdad. Commanders so far have tried to
minimize collateral damage, although the number of civilian
casualties in Najaf -- a city of more than half a million -- is

The 101st Airborne Division has attacked Najaf from north and south
to secure U.S. supply lines leading toward Baghdad. Today, five GBU-
12 bombs dropped shortly after 3 p.m. (7 a.m. EST) by U.S. Navy F/A-
18s ripped through a tree line below the steep slope on which the
besieged city sits, obscuring the tomb's gilded mosque dome with
billowing black smoke.

Viewed from a U.S. Army command post a mile west of town, today's
attack was a relentless choreography of fire against defensive
trenches and bunkers lining a canal on the western edge of Najaf. The
boom of M1-A2 Abrams tank guns punctuated the rattle of .50-caliber
machine guns and Mark 19 grenade launchers. Foaming brown smoke from
detonating mortar shells boiled through a palm grove, followed by the
white blossoms of 105mm artillery rounds.

TOW antitank missiles exploded with orange flashes below the roofline
of what appeared to be an apartment building, while OH-58 Kiowa
helicopters flitted above the city at 70 mph, ripping buildings and
defensive pits with rocket and machine-gun fire.

Col. Ben Hodges, commander of the 1st Brigade of the 101st, gestured
with his field glasses toward the smoking trees below the escarpment
in the middle distance. "We are under no time pressure. . . . There
are villages in that wood line, so we can't be indiscriminate. But
I'm probably pushing it more than I would have two weeks ago."

In a conference over the hood of a Humvee during the airstrikes, a
Special Forces commander today told a senior Army officer, "Sir, we
don't want a war of attrition, but we are in one."

"We are," the officer agreed. "It's a siege."

More heartening to Army commanders is that air attacks have continued
to take their toll on the Republican Guard. The Medina Division has
long received special attention from planners because it blocks the
southern approaches to Baghdad and because it is considered the best
equipped of the Republican Guard units. An intelligence officer said
airstrikes may have cut the Medina's combat effectiveness in half,
and one particularly battered brigade is believed to be down to 20

Some Republican Guard units are repositioning, Army sources said, and
the Iraqis have been particularly aggressive in pushing artillery
south to support paramilitary fighters in the Euphrates Valley. The
1st Adnan Mechanized Division of the Republican Guard, which is
usually based in northern Iraq, is believed to be moving south toward
Baghdad, suggesting that the recent parachute drop into northern Iraq
by the lightly equipped 173rd Airborne Brigade has had a limited
effect in freezing Iraqi forces.

More difficult for the Army in the short term is how to secure Najaf
and other cities on the road to Baghdad without worrying about
attacks from the rear. The 250-mile supply line angling from Kuwait
to central Iraq is already vulnerable to both guerrilla raids and
more concerted attacks. Occupying an urban area the size of Najaf
will likely require considerable forces, both to guarantee security
and to help distribute humanitarian aid.

But the Army has only two divisions in Iraq, the 101st Airborne and
3rd Infantry, supplemented by a brigade from the 82nd Airborne
Division, which currently is committed to supply line security. The
lightly armed 2nd Cavalry Regiment is expected to arrive soon, and
the 4th Infantry Division also has begun pushing into Kuwait. The
101st earlier today ordered an airstrike to destroy a canal bridge
east of the Euphrates to forestall an attack in the flank by Iraqi
reinforcements from Baghdad.

The escarpment battle was one of three simultaneous fights conducted
today by the 101st. Twenty miles north of Najaf, the 2nd Brigade
found itself in a stiff fight against Iraqi artillery, and an
infantry battalion that might have included troops from the Medina
Division, Army sources said.

One U.S. soldier was shot and killed while riding atop a tank. He was
hit in chest by a round that penetrated a crease in the side of his
body armor.

In the same firefight, which occurred along the southern approaches
to the Euphrates River town of Hilla, eight AH-64 Apache attack
helicopters from the 101st received damage from small-arms fire or
57mm antiaircraft guns, and one pilot was slightly wounded, according
to Col. Gregory P. Gass, commander of the 101st Aviation Brigade.
Damage to two of the Apaches was substantial, but all returned safely
to their base, and all can be repaired, Gass added.

The third fight was on the southeastern edge of Najaf. As one
battalion from the 1st Brigade pushed farther into the city under
light mortar fire and cleared a military training compound, another
battalion swept east to capture the city airfield. Riflemen with
fixed bayonets fanned out across the airport perimeter, engineers
searched for mines and two enormous D-9 bulldozers cleared the 11/2-
mile long runway of barrels, culvert pipes and other debris scattered
by Iraqi defenders.

Loudspeakers blared messages in Arabic to the small farms and hamlets
between the airfield and the Euphrates: "Stay away. Remain in your
homes." Trolling Kiowas, at treetop level, shot up military trucks
camouflaged with palm fronds. When one truck was riddled with .50-
caliber rounds, "at least a dozen missiles 12 to 15 feet long ignited
and came off the front end of the truck," said Lt. Col. Stephen M.
Schiller, the Kiowa battalion commander.

Schiller and other Kiowa pilots also discovered and destroyed a large
ammunition cache east of the airfield. The percussion of secondary
explosions rolled across southern Najaf for more than a half-hour.
Another Kiowa attack on a building in central Najaf left dense black
smoke over the city for much of the afternoon. Three Kiowas suffered
light damage from ground fire on Sunday; it was unclear whether any
were hit today.

The fighting took on an increased tempo today in the 101st Airborne's
sector; there were mine strikes on a tank and Humvee, squatting
groups of flex-cuffed prisoners in concertina-wire cages, and a
flurry of hurried conferences over the hoods of various Humvees.
Through it all, Iraqi civilians could be seen trying to get on with
their lives, whether working in the onion fields around the airfield
or trudging down dusty lanes with water jugs on their shoulders.

Said one senior officer, "It's really a war now."

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