"Miller, Jeffrey" wrote:
> My home was shot last night.
> Not once.
> Three times.
> And my car.
> And.. my FUCKING CAT was killed.
> Why?
> You tell me.
> Three bullet holes, one in each "Bring Our Soldiers Home" sign.
> One bullet hole in my car, right through the "No Iraq War" sign.
> The cat?  strangled with a red, white, and blue ribbon.

I hope they find the responsible party or parties and extract suitable

I think that *anyone* who just comes along and kills a cat (or dog!) for
*any* reason not connected to immediate or very short-term survival of
himself or another human being is not fit company for any human society.

I mentioned this to my husband; he thinks that there's a good chance that
one of your neighbors was involved, someone who knew the cat was yours. 
(That's probably not at all comforting.)  He also thinks that whoever it
is needs to be caught and prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of
the law, and is hoping that there's some sort of ballistic evidence that
will help the investigation.


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