Michael Harney wrote:

I have been informed today that I have been plonked by one of the
listmembers.  Which listmember is irrelivant.
If enough people express a
desire for me to leave I will do so and never return. The last thing I want
is to make people uncomfortable.

I know you've already decided to stick around (yay!) but I want to throw in my US $0.02.

It seems there are people on this list (and we probably all do it to some extent) who have certain hot-button issues where they don't react to the actual post, but instead react to the stereotype they have in their mind about certain kinds of posters. For example, when anyone posts anything about religion, The Fool and William Goodall react as if that person was posting from a religious extremest perspective, instead of reading what the poster actually wrote. Not all religious people are extremists and we certainly don't all believe the same things. In the past I've seen some people on this list who are politically far-left who seem to treat anyone to the right of them as a conservative extremist, and I've seen some who are far-right treat anyone to the left of them as a liberal extremist.

It sounds like your "plonker" has had run-ins with militant extremist vegetarians in the past (and as funny as that term sounds, there certainly are militant extremist vegetarians out there) and now assumes that every vegetarian is an extremist, and that every vegetarian is a vegetarian for the same reasons. The reality is that no two people ever do or think *anything* for *exactly* the same reasons. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination, I say.

Thank you for sticking around, Michael, I always look forward to reading your posts.

Reggie Bautista

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