Jan Coffey wrote:

> I like to call this conversational monad a communicative fixed-point
> impedance mismatch.
> Really though, I wish this were a well known concept and their was a good
> name for it. Then people could get out of that particular loop by simply
> naming the instance and moving on. It might become part of on-(and off)-line
> etiquette.
> "Hay, your FPIMing me!"
> "Oh I'm sorry, are you sure?"
> "Yes I am saying (*.****) and you are FPIMing that I am saying something more
> (*)."
> "I fail to see the difference, -> -> -> -> what is it?" <- <- <- <-
> ....

Part of it is projection.  Someone says something in which you disagree
with *one* point, and they project the opposite of their own position
onto *everything* there.

What *really* gets me is when someone doing this projects the most
*extreme* position from theirs and attacks you for having said that,
when all you said was something maybe a few degrees from their
position.  And then they cuss you out on top of it.  *That* is beyond
the pale, IMO.


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