--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s881312.htm
> Colour vision means pheromones unnecessary
> Tuesday, 17 June  2003 
>  Female Old World primates – like orangutans – use sexual displays to
> indicate they are ready for mating
> Forget about using those expensive sprays to try and attract the opposite
> sex – humans don't have the ability to detect pheromones, and American
> research concludes it is due to our colour vision.
> The research, undertaken by Assistant Professor Jianzhi Zhang from the
> University of Michigan in the USA, involved a comparison of the genes of
> primates that can see colour and those that can't. It seems that males
> developing colour vision negated the need for pheromones to attract
> mates.

What complete crap for science, or logic for that matter. This is a reverse
implication. U of M and J. Zhang need to be more carfull before they release
suggestive information as if it were ~real~ science.

Actualy in Zhang's defense, it might be Danny Kingsley & ABC Science which
are at fault here, but how can you tell?

We do have strogn evidence that females synch due to pherimones. Anicdotaly
every mate of a cyclical female knows on what days he is most likely to get

How can you call an organ which does exist "vistigual" without showing why
you know it doesn't function. Especialy when there is so much anicdotal
evidecde to the contrary.

Simply becouse one sense is more importatnt than other doesn't necisarily
mean that the other does not still play a part.

for shame.

               Jan William Coffey

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