--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan Coffey wrote:
> >--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Colour vision means pheromones unnecessary
> > > Tuesday, 17 June  2003
<snipped much> 

> >Simply becouse one sense is more importatnt than
> other doesn't necisarily
> >mean that the other does not still play a part.
> My main thought when I read the article was that if
> human females _did_ 
> have an area of skin which changed color in order to
> signal to males that 
> they were, ahem, "receptive", the fashion and
> cosmetics industries would 
> have long since taken full advantage of the fact...

Perish that thought!  Although I think there *is*
something to lipstick as a signaler, otherwise we'd
just use neutral chapstick...

> (My secondary thought was that cats and dogs have at
> least bichromatic 
> color vision, and they still rely heavily on their
> vomeronasal organs for 
> both reproductive and territorial communication.)

Horses are bichromatic as well; stallions perform a
peculiar-looking 'curled lip sniff' called flehmen to
check 'long distance' for mares in heat, who will then
give visual/physical cues to the stallion to show him
their interest.  [Other animals also 'flehmen:' lions,
housecats and goats frex; raising the head and opening
the mouth are part of this behavior, which apparently
improves the delivery of pheromone chemicals to the
VMO, also called Jacobson's organ.]

The medical literature is contradictory in this area;
I personally think that chemical communication *does*
occur among humans, but its role has been diluted by
verbal and cultural overlays.  Anecdotally, pay
attention at the office to when different people are
"on" --  others will stop by their cubicle/desk more
often, laugh or talk with the "on" person more, etc. 
It does happen to me, and I think there is a
twice-a-month surge - although as I said, it's purely
a subjective observation.  However, an experiment with
cameras etc _could_ be devised to investigate this
more objectively.


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