--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan Coffey wrote:
> > --- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Isn't this just an example of _enlightened_ self interest?  Certainly 
> >>the guy could have saved his ass and gotten out right away, but as the 
> >>result of a little risk taking, he has raised his stature in the
> community.
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Do you really think that is what he was thinking at the time? Just
> becouse
> > that ~could have been~ his motivation doesn't mean that we can make any
> > argumenats based on that possiblity in support of "enlightened self
> intrest".
> Our culture glorifies heroism, does it not?  It's been ingrained upon us 
> from the time we are small children that to sacrifice one's own short 
> term self interest for the good of a larger group - especially helpless 
> individuals - is a good thing and will generally be rewarded.
> Doug

You know, I voluntere on a regular basis for psitions which might place me in
danger and might have a significant benifit for others. (Floor safty warden
at work for instance) I don't think I once considered glorification or
reward. I also do not beleive that any of my associates consider this either.
I know that if I had been in the position of the gentalman in question, I
would have felt -responsible- for the lives of those people who didn't know.
I would have continued as long as possible becouse of duty and responsability
rather than a desire for fame, social status, or reward. It is actualy...
shifted down, I would have felt guilty if I hadn't, I would not have been
able to live with myself. What I really don't understand is how anyone else
could be any different. In my experiance they are not, so I will have to
disagree with you.

               Jan William Coffey

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