Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Jim Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Of course, since Star Control II was a *GREAT* game, at least 
>>they're borrowing from the best.  :)
>Ah, Star Control 2.  I think that might still be my all-time 
>favorite game.  That was a fun one.  If there was anything like 
>that out there right now, I might go back to playing computer 

It's definitely one of my top five, at least.  I loved how each race had its own 
soundtrack that helped bring its personality to life.  It was funny and fun at the 
same time.  I've never been in a discussion of all-time great computer games where SC2 
isn't brought up by a dozen different people.

I've never seen a game since that combined adventure elements, role-playing, and 
arcade-style combat with such phenomenal results.  Man, I need to grab a cheapass 486 
with Win 3.1 just so I can play it again.  :)


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