> Maybe you think so.  I lived two blocks north of the
> World Trade Center site for a year.  Let's just say
> that I have less than no sympathy for any such view. 
> Let's see how many New Yorkers think we're not at war.
> How many of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
> How many diplomats dealing with daily security
> threats.  How many people in Homeland Security seeing
> the threats we face every week.

I would say most New Yorkers do not consider themselves to be at war at least not with 
Iraq. I think many people do not see any direct connection between the war on terror 
and our invasion. The notion that the response to terrorism is a war is at best a weak 
analogy sort of the war on cancer. I am not saying that the war has increased the 
chances of another attack in the US. I think our actions in Iraq and the success of 
the international community have had an effect on terrorist attacks. No one can claim 
anymore that we are paper targets. But the question is how long will this effect last. 


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