> > 
> >> nd becouse of that you are mixing facts as if they were related when they are
> not.
> > > >It is an old boys club writ on a global
> > scale.
> No backing for this. just becouse the above is true (if it is) does not mean
> that they are not doing what is right when it comes to forign policy. 

I am arguing that Bush and his cronies are trying to make it so that they will be in 
control of the country. They view this as their god given right. They view the 
constitution and the rule of law as inconvienances.

> > So focus on that.
> >> See there you go again. the American people are willing to pay. They are
> willing to fight this war because they believe it to be just and the right
> thing to do.
I am not arguing that we should not do the right and necessary thing and pay the 
money. But you can't do this and still have a huge tax cut.
> > you have to show how out -expenses- make a tax cut unresponsible. It's a hard
> sell though. trickle down seems to work, poular opiioin is 
> for the war, and
> for tax cuts. 

People have been sold a bill of goods. When they begin to see what is happening to 
services on a state or local level they may change their minds. Think about it. We 
cannot spend 400 billion dollars a year without paying for it.
> =====
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>               Jan William Coffey
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