> Behalf Of David Hobby
> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 3:52 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words
> > >Which of course is what
> > this all about.    So many Democrats turned a blind
> > >> eye to Clinton's
> > perjury
> > >
> > >But this is where you are precisely wrong John. No democrat
> > defended
> > > Clinton this. Not one said he was right
> >
> > Au contraire.... a great many noted that "any man would lie about
> adultery."
> >
> > JDG
>       Yes, but that doesn't make it "right", just "understandable".
> So the comment stands:  "Not one said he was right."


>       To me, the big difference is that Clinton was attacked
> because of his PERSONAL life, while Bush is being attacked about
> his PROFESSIONAL life.

Also Agreed.  

>       Given his past use of illegal drugs, I find it deeply
> hypocritical that Bush does not push for reduced penalties for
> their use.  (While his position seems now to be that his past
> drug use was wrong, he is then asking to be forgiven for it.
> Why should this forgiveness not be extended to present users?)
> But this is an example of an attack based on Bush's personal
> life.

Oh, but this I don't agree with.  You obviously have never heard him
give an interview on the subject. On Oprah, while he was running, Bush
said that he was an alcoholic, saw how badly it screwed up his own life,
joined AA and is now in favor of more drastic punishment for offenders
because of it.

I don't think that's at all hypocritical.  


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