Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> That's the name of a drill we use to sanity check
> ideas.  It's probably at the root of my frustration
> over a lot of what's being discussed with regards to
> Iraq.
> What would you have to believe to believe that the
> Bush Administration faked WMD evidence in order to
> invade Iraq?  

This is something of a straw man, your claim is stated
far stronger than what I've heard in mainstream media.
They didn't need to fake anything.  Rather, all they
needed to do is get others to relax their standards a
bit when they come into contact with the
administration's Agenda.

What I *have* heard is that Bush had an Agenda to pursue
Iraq, regardless whether the timing or circumstances
were right, that the administration put(s) pressure on
the various govt. agencies to produce reports favorable
to its Agenda, that they pressured the media to stay
focused on the topics of their choosing, and pressured
Congress to grant them unprecedented warmaking powers
effectively removing accountability (to Congress) for
engaging in extended military involvement.  

Each of these things allowed Bush to invade Iraq with
the goal of deposing Hussein without getting into too
much trouble legally or politically.  We are finally
being shown the fingerprints.  The purpose of this
round of criticism should be to prevent such
manipulations in the future.

-- Matt

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