In a message dated 7/18/2003 11:00:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>  There
> is a pervasive dishonesty that has crept into this
> issue where we have people actively crippling American
> war efforts for short-term partisan advantage - and a
> bunch of very bright people on the list who buy that
> wholesale

How does criticsm cripple the war effort? No one is saying that we should walk away 
now. No one is claiming that we should not protect our troops. Do you actually 
maintain that the republicans are not acting for short term benefit. That the all spin 
all the time white house does anything without weighing its political impact. Gautam, 
I am actually quite fearful for our country at the moment. The current government is 
doing all that it can to insure its control of the US for years and decades to come. 
It is using means that I find at least objectionable if not illegal. I believe that 
both parties behave in their own self interest. The republicans are doing a much 
better job. The democrats are as far as I am concerned bankrupt. I am offended that 
you consider me a dupe of the "liberal press" or that my concerns (and those of many 
others)are false. To be blunt about the 16 words: I am shocked by your word splitting. 
"The British have learned" is a way of getting something into a speech that your own 
intelligence community cannot verify. To the extent it refers to the Niger incident it 
is clear that the administration knew this was not credible. As to WMD. There is no 
question that Sadaam wanted to have them. He probably had some but the evidence that 
you site for his nuclear threat is actually the greatest enditement of Bush's claims. 
Dismantled components that were many years old were buried in a scientists backyard. 
So how close was Sadaam to unleashing a bomb on the world? He wanted to have the 
weapons but he no active program. If we were told that would the american public have 
been so eager for us to go to war? 

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